How Can I set up My Jupyter Notebook Website?
Summary: With your Jupyter Notebook application is ready, you will need to set up your Jupyter Notebook. It involves the following steps:
Table of Contents:
Add my domain to Jupyter Notebook
Manage DNS Record
Install SSL Certificate
Get Credentials for Jupyter Notebook Interface
Body Content:
1.Add a Domain to Jupyter Notebook
If you do not have a domain yet, you could get one at Database Mart.
3.Manage DNS Records
If you decide to use our name servers, you will need to manage your DNS records for your website in our Control Panel.
4.Install SSL Certificate
SSL encrypts sensitive information that is sent across the internet, so it’s essential for protecting your website. You can choose to enable a free SSL certificate or a custom one.
5.Get Credentials for Jupyter Notebook Interface
Administrator password is the credential for your Jupyter Notebook interface. Log in to the interface and start using the application.
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